Advanced Manufacturing and Materials:
The School seeks four Fellowships in the area of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials. This will provide additional resource to research areas where the school has a strong track record, with further support resulting in new research income and generation of non-academic impact. The Fellowships will be placed within the Institute of Particle Science and Engineering (IPSE) and the Institute for Materials Research (IMR), and collaboration with the Institute of Process Research and Development (School of Chemical and Process Engineering-Chemistry) will be strongly encouraged. These posts will provide the means towards an integrated approach to current challenges faced by the manufacturing industry with proposed research addressing one or more of the following (with Faculty themes in parentheses):
• Materials characterisation this requires interdisciplinary research spanning analytical science in both the physical and biological disciplines, with translation of the resulting science into engineering and exploitation.
• Particle and multiphase systems modelling (Simulation), including ab initio and across the length scales to include nucleation and crystallisation, discrete element modelling, and computational fluid dynamics of multiphase flow.
• Process operations and monitoring (Manufacturing), including process scale-up and characterisation, on-line monitoring techniques, powder flowability, multiphase flow characterisation, impact of physical properties of particles on unit process operations.
• Functional Materials (Manufacturing, Health, Robotics), including nanoparticles, photonic, dielectric, ferroelectric, thermoelectric, photovoltaic and ionically conducting materials, with an emphasis on sensors and actuators and applications in robotic systems.
Advanced materials, modelling, manufacturing and characterisation are critical areas of the University strategy and and are examples of the University’s platform technologies recently highlighted by Vice–Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands. The Fellowships also build on the School strategy where major investment in recruitment has targeted the manufacturing sector with recent academic appointments having been made from P&G (Profs York and Bayly), National Nuclear Laboratory (Prof Hanson) and AstraZeneca (Prof Muller). The Fellowships will complement existing activities in the School’s Institute for Particle Science and Engineering and the Institute for Materials Research and will forge collaborations around campus across Engineering, Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Medicine.
University Grade 8 (£38,511 to £45,954)
For informal enquiries about the role please contact Professor Andy Bell, Head of School, Chemical and Process Engineering, tel: +44 (0)113 343 2370, email:
Ref: ENGPE1003