Health Informatics

This is a unique opportunity to establish your career in a superbly resourced environment based on the new Leeds MRC Centre for Medical Bioinformatics. Alongside our colleagues in the Leeds ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre we have created the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, which provides the cross-Faculty research platforms for academics from a wide variety of relevant disciplines. The opportunities for exciting collaborations are truly exceptional in this rapidly developing area of Health Informatics.

These positions will appeal to successful researchers from several backgrounds. Those interested in Epidemiology, Public Health, Health Services Research (including Dentistry), Pharmacovigilance and novel Clinical Trials Methodologies, amongst other specialisms may be particularly interested. We have a specific focus on the confidential use of electronic patient records and the ways in which these can be linked to other datasets to generate novel insights. Information Governance and the Medical Ethics implications of this type of work are active areas of research. Integration with huge clinical datasets containing imaging and genomics results plays a prominent part in our activities. There are opportunities to work closely with a wide range of partners, locally and nationally. These include the largest UK NHS Trust (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust), regional local Government, the Health and Social Care Information Centre in Leeds, various NIHR organisations, Public Health England and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Several commercial organisations are also involved in the Centre, including leading GP software suppliers in Leeds. We also participate fully in all Farr Institute initiatives at national level.

Candidates may come from a variety of disciplines: from applied mathematics and statistics, through computer sciences to the biological sciences, medicine and epidemiology.  We enjoy close links with our Law and Business Schools. Public Health clinicians may also be interested to work in this supportive environment. Joint appointments between the University and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust or the Health and Social Care Information Centre may be considered.

Applications are welcomed from clinically and non-clinically qualified applicants.

If you are clinically qualified these Fellowships provide an opportunity to develop on your existing academic experience and establish a clinical academic career.  The nature of individual clinical / academic workload profiles will be determined by your current level of specialist training and agreement with our local NHS organisations, with whom we work in close partnership. We actively encourage applications from specialty trainee level to those who already hold specialist registration.

University Grade 8 (£38,511 to £45,954)

For clinical academic posts remuneration will be on the appropriate clinical academic scale (dependent upon individual clinical experience / qualification and therefore the level of Honorary Clinical Contract). Details of University Clinical salary scales can be found at

For informal enquiries about the roles please contact Professor Sir Alex Markham, tel: +44 (0)113 343 8608, email:, Professor Jeremy Wyatt, tel: +44 (0)113 343 0858, email:, Professor David Westhead, tel: +44 (0)113 242 3116, email:, Dr Geoff Hall, tel: +44 (0)113 206 7997, email:, or Professor Mark Birkin, tel: +44 (0)113 343 6838, email:

For general enquiries, please contact Adrian Iredale, tel: +44 (0)113 343 4372, email:

Ref: MHFW1006