Leeds University Business School is a leading international business school and a strong research intensive Faculty of the University of Leeds. You will join the AIMTech Research Group whose teaching responsibilities will fall with the Logistics, Information, Operations and Networks (LION) Subject Group of the Management Division of Leeds University Business School.
Founded in 2002, AIMTech (Adaptation Information Management and Technology) is a highly active research group within the Business School. The group’s work is focused on the inter-relationship between new technologies, information management and organisational change. A prominent component of AIMTech’s activities is the on-going transfer of knowledge to both the public and the private sectors in areas which include public safety, local government and health. Work within the group is informed by Activity Theory, the use and development of which forms theoretical bedrock for most of our projects. The Logistics, Information, Operations and Networks Subject Group, part of the School’s Management Division, was established to advance operations, supply chain management and information management theories and practices.
We are aiming to build on our emerging inter disciplinary strength in this area, where there is already a track record of research income generation, a unique contribution to the field, and an excellent publication record. You would link to the emerging interest in technology in the context of Security and Justice across the University.
You will have significant proven research experience in the field of information management and/or information systems. The ability to teach at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, as well as a clear and compelling vision for personal academic development is also essential to the role. You should have a commitment to undertaking research which has a strong link to practice and should have a strong understanding of a range of theoretical frameworks and be able to confidently use qualitative methods and also be comfortable with quantitative methods. You will act as a catalyst for collaboration across the University, in particular with the School of Law. In partnership with your mentor you will organise seminars with international speakers, network internationally at conferences and build local collaborations. In addition, you will co-supervise PhDs and support the development of the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes in Information Management and Information Systems. You would also be expected to submit grant applications and collaborate with existing members of the research group in research projects and publications.
University Grade 8 (£38,511 to £45,954)
For informal enquiries about the role please contact Professor David Allen, tel: +44 (0)113 343 7015, email: Da2@lubs.leeds.ac.uk.
Ref: LUBSC1005