Real-Time Engineering Simulation

Computational simulations of physical problems that can be performed in real-time or faster than real-time have many applications allowing engineers, scientists and designers the opportunity to fully explore and ultimately optimise systems thereby bringing performance enhancements e.g. around energy utilisation, in terms of efficiency etc. As the computing hardware technology for such systems develops so must the numerical methods and algorithms. There is plenty of evidence from Government reports and papers from research institutes that highlight the importance of research using High End or High Performance Computing (HPC) and Computation to the UK’s competitiveness – in particular industrial engagement where there is a ramp that starts with awareness, then on to support and finally access to the infrastructure. This engagement aligns well with the long term strategy that the University has in place to support Advanced Research Computing (ARC) facilities in the form of central HPC provision in addition to being a central hub of HPC activity for the N8 Universities, both of which are looking at engaging industrial use.

You will be an enabler, via new methods, algorithms and software, for the University to be a leader in this academic research discipline. It naturally complements the existing strength across the University in scientific computing and brings a new approach to modelling physical systems. It has the potential to open up new research opportunities and, additionally, ways of working with industry. The University of Leeds is already developing a reputation in the field; the schools of Civil and Mechanical Engineering have achieved real-time and accurate simulation of indoor air-flow using a combination of novel methods and hardware, and we are ahead of the competition in our capability. Taking this as an example of the method, it allows designers to modify building layouts, (e.g. ventilation positions) easily and explore the response in real-time using visualisation capability. Ultimately this allows faster prototyping and optimisation of new designs. The work in general fits well with the EPSRC portfolio across specific themes of interest: Digital Economy; Energy; Engineering; Manufacturing the Future; Healthcare technologies; information and Communication technologies. In addition, industry (e.g. ARUP – a major civil engineering consultancy) are showing interest in the paradigm shift that this could bring to their industries.

There is a broad field of opportunity for this type of work across the University of Leeds and a fellow of the right calibre would explore these wider possibilities. For example: flood flow prediction; meteorological modelling including wind turbine placement; chemical and food processing; recovery of oil and gas; ground-water transport. This cuts across faculties within the University and brings new opportunities to academic disciplines.

The research area needs fellows with agile minds and very strong mathematical and programming skills. This would suit early to mid-career researchers with experience of using large scale distributed many-core systems applied to computational mechanics problems and a track record in developing application orientated methods and algorithms.  Ideally you will have detailed knowledge of using and programming the latest accelerators and co-processors systems.

University Grade 8 (£38,511 to £45,954)

For informal enquiries about the role please contact Dr Jon Summers, School of Mechanical Engineering, tel: +44 (0)113 343 2151, email:

Ref: ENGME1001